House Bill 1605 Webinar Series

TEA is hosting a series of webinars to address components of House Bill (HB) 1605 that are most relevant to local educational agencies (LEAs). Series topics were prioritized by the effective date of sections of the bill and their impact on LEAs. Based on feedback from the field, we are shifting the timing and topics to better meet the needs of districts.   


Three-Cueing and Phonics Instructional Materials (Coming Soon)

¶Ù±ð²õ³¦°ù¾±±è³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô:ÌýAn overview of the prohibition of three-cueing in instructional materials and guidance on how to implement it with considerations for House Bill (HB) 3, issued by the 86th Texas Legislature in 2019, which directs all Texas school districts to provide phonics curriculum that uses systematic, direct instruction in kindergarten through third grade to ensure all students obtain necessary early-literacy skills.

Planning and Non-Instructional Duties of Teachers

¶Ù±ð²õ³¦°ù¾±±è³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô:ÌýAn overview of the statutory protections of planning time for classroom teachers in HB 1605 and guidance on the supplemental duty agreement with a teacher. [Texas Education Code, §11.164 and §21.4045]

(YouTube) Published March 8, 2024

HB 1605 Overview for LEAs

¶Ù±ð²õ³¦°ù¾±±è³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô:ÌýAn overview of HB 1605's major components and timeline for implementation as it relates to LEAs. 

 (YouTube) Published September 26, 2023

 (YouTube) Published August 1, 2023

Media and Communications
