Technology Applications

Students sitting in classroom at individual computers. Teacher is standing next to one student pointing something out on her screen.

This technology applications web page provides clarification, guidance, and support to technology applications stakeholders, including districts, schools, parents, educators, and students, for the development and implementation of the K–8 technology applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).


  • Technology Applications TEKS Implementation:
    The implementation year for the 2022-adopted technology applications TEKS is 2024–2025.
  • Technology Applications Newsletter:
    Visit the following link and select “technology applications” under the academics section to

Technology Applications TEKS

In 2022, the State Board of Education gave final approval to revised TEKS for technology applications which are scheduled to be implemented beginning with the 2024–2025 school year.

Elementary School (Implementation School Year 2024–2025):

Middle School (Implementation School Year 2024–2025):

Technology Applications Grades 6–8 Side-by-Side Document

The following document was created to demonstrate a side-by-side comparison of the 2012 technology applications TEKS and the 2022 technology applications TEKS for grades 6–8.

Technology Applications Vertical Alignment Documents

The following documents show the vertical alignment of the revised TEKS for technology applications.

Previous Technology Applications Presentations

The following presentations provide additional guidance and support regarding the revised TEKS for technology applications:

Additional Technology Applications Resources

In accordance with Proclamation 2024, a review of instructional materials related to technology applications is currently in progress.The preliminary results of this subject-area review can be found on the Proclamation 2024 Pre-Adoption Samples webpage on theInstructional Materials Divisionpage.

The following resource provides a list of approved teacher certifications for instructors of technology applications.

Contact Information

Curriculum Standards and Student Support

(512) 463-9581

For questions or additional information, please submit a Curriculum Request Form through the .

Please from the Technology applications team.

Enrichment Team

Deb Dorman
Enrichment Director

Weston Scholten
Enrichment Specialist

Barney Fudge
Health and Physical Education Specialist