Extension of School Safety and Security Grant


June 30, 2022

Subject: Extension of School Safety and Security Grant
Category: State Grant Funding Extension
Next Steps: Review grant program guidance

Grant Extension

TEA has extended the end date for the 2019-2021 School Safety and Security Grant Notice of Grant Award (NOGA). The new end grant end date is June 15, 2023. Grantees do not have to amend their applications to receive their revised NOGA. Revised NOGA certificates can be accessed, viewed, and printed using the Print NOGA button in the Expenditure Reporting (ER) system. The Print NOGA button is available when a NOGA ID is selected in the ER system. Total award amounts are posted at. LEAs can review their total amount of funds remaining to be drawn down in the ER system.

Impact and Further Action

Current grantees that have an open grant can continue to draw down funds and amend their grant applications. Refer to thewebpage for additional information and resources. Search “2019-2021 School Safety and Security Grant” in the Keyword(s) in Application Name section to find the associated grant documentation.

Background Information

Senate Bill 500 (SB500) appropriated $100,000,000 to the 鶹Ƶ to provide funding to public schools, including the School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the School for the Deaf for:

  1. exterior doors with push bars;
  2. metal detectors at school entrances;
  3. erected vehicle barriers;
  4. security systems that monitor and record school entrances, exits, and hallways;
  5. campus-wide active shooter alarm systems that are separate from fire alarms;
  6. two-way radio systems;
  7. perimeter security fencing;
  8. bullet-resistant glass or film for school entrances; and
  9. door-locking systems.

The grant funds must: 1) be used to meet the intent of this program as stated above; 2) be used for costs that are reasonable and necessary; and 3) meet an allowable activity.

Revised Timeline

The following dates provide tentative dates and a revised timeline for this grant program.

Tentative Date Action
March 17, 2023 Last Amendment Deadline
June 15, 2023 Grant End Date
July 17, 2023 Final/Revised Final Expenditure Reporting Deadline
July 30, 2023 TEA Grant Closeout

For Further Information

Please emailgrants@tea.texas.govwith any questions or for additional guidance.