The TEA news releases are provided via RSS here:

TEA News UpdatesTEA Updates R S S Feed

What is RSS?

is an XML-based technology designed to summarize and index publications posted on the Web into a customized format that includes a title, a concise description of an article, and a URL link. With RSS, users can subscribe to specific news feeds to monitor lists of publications as they are updated. Users may then skim titles and descriptions of articles and choose to ignore the information, read a summary, or view the original source document via the URL link.

To read RSS files and subscribe to news feeds, a user must install newsreader software—also known as a news aggregator—which is an application that monitors websites that contain RSS files. A newsreader alerts users when new content is detected, and it tracks read and unread content. Once a user adds an RSS site to his or her list of news feeds, the information appears at specified times (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly) within the window of the newsreader.

Adding an RSS feed 

The links below are to outside help resources.

You can add an RSS feed to modern browsers via extensions: